Live Stream – Convention “European Societies in digital Age”

25. Juni​ 2018

9:00 Opening and welcome

9:30 Axel Voss, Member of the Group of the European People’s Party in the European Parliament, Germany – Keynote

9:50 Dr. Carl-Christian Buhr, Deputy Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, Digital Economy & Society, European Commission – Message from EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel

11:00 Panel & colloquium “Partcipation, media, youtubing”

Dr. Carl-Christian Buhr, Deputy Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, Digital Economy & Society, European Commission
Abdel en Vrai, Youtuber, Belgium
Sylvain Lapoix, Data Journalist, France
Alice Wiegand, Member of the Board of Trustees, Wikimedia Foundation, USA & Commissioner for Open data, City of Düsseldorf, Germany
Cedric Engels/Doktor Whatson, Youtuber, Germany
Discussion with plenum of the participants

Talk on project SuSi and Institutionalisation of social dialogue

Florian Schumacher, Consultant / Project Manager “SuSi” / Deputy Head of Unit, Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) (BSI)
15:00 Panel & colloquium “Migration and digital space”

Vasili Sofiadellis, Founder, Changemakers Lab, Greece/South Africa
Markus Neuschäfer, Refugee Phrasebook, Germany
Engin Karahan, Member of the Board, Alhambra e.V., Germany
Discussion with plenum

17:00 Panel and colloquium “’Heimat’ and resilient cities – feeling at home in digital age”

Ruth Jakobi, European Music Council, Germany
Thomas Baumgartner, “Sur les bancs”, Radio Nova, France
Arne Birkenstock, film director, “Sound of Heimat”, Germany
Discussion with plenum

26. Juni 2018

9:00 Panel and colloquium “Models of transational discourse”

Sven Giegold, Member of the Green Group in the European Parliament, Germany
Andrè Wilkens, author and founder “The Open Society”, Germany
Prof. Peter Goßens, General and Comparative Literature, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Prof. Kai Reimers, Professor of Information Systems, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Discussion with plenum

11:00 Panel and colloquium “Digital Identities”

Julia Schuetze, Project Manager, Stiftung Neue Verantwortung, Germany
Martina Pickhardt, former Lead Architect Strategy & Innovation, Microsoft, Academy Solitude Fellow “art, science & business”
Johannes Winkelhage, Head of Think Tank, Deutsche Telekom AG, Germany
Discussion with plenum

14:30 Panel and colloquium “Companies and business”

Stefan Ilijevic, Head of Innovation and Patent department, SEAT, Spain
Cem Ergün-Müller, Head of Digital Open Space at Deutsche Telekom AG, Germany
Discussion with plenum

16:00 Wrap up and Closing

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